Seven Positive Affirmations to Help Enjoy Social Connection More
Let’s face it! Managing ourselves is one thing, but keeping our vibrations high while interacting with others can be challenging! (This topic seems more appropriate now than ever as we enter the holiday season!)
Arming yourself with positive affirmations may help you to feel more centered, content, and at ease.
So, let’s jump right in.
Rose colored contents:
- What does social connection with ease look like?
- Reasons positive affirmations might help get into the right mindset for social interaction:
- 1. I have something unique to offer.
- 2. I choose not to take anything personally.
- 3. My energy is the most important contribution I can offer.
- 4. I reveal what feels comfortable at that moment.
- 5. I choose to be present right here, right now.
- 6. I validate myself. I don’t seek your validation.
- 7. I accept you because it makes me happy.
- Wrapping it all up and my experience using positive daily affirmations:
What does social connection with ease look like?
I think of it in terms of ‘flow.’
When you’re feeling connected, you can move with the flow happening all around you. You can be present and open for meaningful connections to take place.
Reasons positive affirmations might help get into the right mindset for social interaction:
Positive affirmations are so easy to use, and they really do work (if you work them).
In fact, according to Catherine Moore of Positive Psychology.”
“Positive affirmations require regular practice if you want to make lasting, long-term changes to the ways that you think and feel. The good news is that the practice and popularity of positive affirmations are based on widely accepted and well-established psychological theory.”
The seven affirmations I’m sharing all address different potential areas of insecurity or anxiety when approaching a social situation. Practicing the one that resonates most might make all the difference in your next social situation.
Let’s take a look:

1. I have something unique to offer.
Every person is truly an original.
Everything about you is unique. Your childhood, places you’ve lived, things you enjoy doing in your spare time, sense of humor, life experiences, and all your likes and dislikes combine to make you one of a kind.
Still, you may sometimes feel like a shrinking violet in a room full of people. And as if your stories and experiences don’t measure up.
But that’s not true.
There is only one of you.
Your ability and willingness to fully accept yourself is powerful and even confidence-building.
In fact, according to Kayla Blydenburgh at Lifehack:
“You already know you’re unique. You’ve always known. You are an amazing, rad, totally stellar person! Everyone has their quirks; some are good, and some are not. If you embrace yourself for the good and the bad, you can become even more likable.”
So, enter any social context honoring and remembering this about yourself. And see what happens.

2. I choose not to take anything personally.
Oh boy, this positive affirmation is big!
How freeing is it to enjoy people around you without ever taking their behavior personally?
This has been a hard-earned lesson for me, that’s for sure. But it’s one of the greatest ones I’ve ever learned.
I can share a story that recently brought me to this understanding. I was at a fundraiser, surrounded by many people I didn’t know.
When I ran into a group of women I knew but not well, I felt strongly that I wouldn’t be included in their conversation. One woman, in particular, was closing the circle, sharing a story she probably didn’t want me to hear. So I walked away.
Later, I ran into the same group again. This time, they invited me to join them for a drink only, and I agreed.
As we gathered at the table in the bar, I noticed her doing the same thing again — only this time, it was with someone else.
I suddenly realized, “This is just how this woman is. It has nothing to do with me!”
That realization led me to drop my guard and enjoy a fun afternoon spent together. I could let go of all judgment, insecurity, etc.
People are who they are. Period. We need to stop taking others’ behaviors so personally.
This comes down to that famous quote by Don Miguel Ruiz in The Four Agreements:
“Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally. Nothing other people do is because of you. It is because of themselves. All people live in their dreams; in their minds, they are in a completely different world from the one we live in. When we take something personally, we assume that they know what is in our world, and we try to impose our world on their world.”

3. My energy is the most important contribution I can offer.
This positive affirmation confirms that your energy also affects how you make people feel.
When you enter a room filled with high-vibrational energy, thoughts, beliefs, and words, the energy that radiates out from you connects you with others.
So, you can think, ‘What energy do I want to bring?’
Let’s face it: sometimes it’s hard to muster the energy of joyfulness and enthusiasm. When that happens, reach for words that resonate more at the moment, like free, kind, or peaceful.
According to Sue Kohn-Taylor of wellness mental fitness:
“Certain people radiate positive energy, and others have negative energy. These vibes become infectious — remember when you were feeling a little down, spending time with an upbeat person, and then felt more energized and upbeat? Or were you feeling upbeat and completely flattened by a negative energy person?”
And I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, ‘Your vibes attract your tribe.‘
That’s exactly what’s happening here!

4. I reveal what feels comfortable at that moment.
Sometimes, it can feel overwhelming being in a group where people share intimate details about their personal lives, jobs, family members, etc.
You question if you want to go that deep.
On the other hand, sometimes you may find yourself at a social gathering where the conversation is so superficial. People are talking away about the weather, summer, or holiday plans, which could be more exciting. Why not shake it up?
Over time, I’ve learned that you can control precisely how much you reveal about yourself.
It’s your choice!
There may be days when you feel like sharing and connecting, and there may be days when you feel like keeping it light.
It’s nice to know that you have an inner gauge. You have the power to share within your comfort zone at any given moment.
5. I choose to be present right here, right now.
This is a powerful positive affirmation.
No matter what’s going on, if you can let go and be fully present, you can have an energetically high vibes experience.
You know how it goes. You can often be in a room filled with people, but your mind is elsewhere.
But the opportunity to be with people in the present moment opens the door to a more meaningful connection, which most of us seek.

6. I validate myself. I don’t seek your validation.
This positive affirmation carries the nuance of Diane von Furstenberg’s statement, “The most important relationship in your life is the relationship you have with yourself. Because no matter what happens, you will always be with yourself.”
What does this look like? Something like this: ‘I know who I am. I know my issues, I know my strengths, I know my challenges, and I know my story. But I am who I am, and I validate myself.’
So that means, ‘You’re off the hook!‘ (What a relief.)
You know that feeling when someone is constantly in need of validation? Let’s face it — it’s a drag.
According to Psych Central, self-validation includes:
- Encouraging yourself
- Acknowledging your strengths, successes, progress, and effort
- Noticing and accepting your feelings
- Prioritizing your needs
- Treating yourself with kindness
- Saying nice things to yourself
- Accepting your limitations, flaws, and mistakes
Validating yourself releases others. You can enjoy their company, relax, and enjoy the moment.
Trusting yourself is key, too.

7. I accept you because it makes me happy.
Ok, this one goes a little deep, so stay with me!
When you think about it, judging and actively disliking others causes you pain and disharmony.
These are emotionally negative energies that bring your vibration down.
Now, I’m not suggesting that you decide to like everybody and want to be best friends.
But, consider ‘accepting‘ others because it warms your heart.
Accepting others isn’t the same as liking them. Accepting them is letting them be. Instead of wishing things were different, you’re choosing to feel free.
And if you can quietly wish others well, you’ll be amazed at how wide open your heart can feel. And you will benefit the most.
Don’t believe me? Try it, and let me know.
Wrapping it all up and my experience using positive daily affirmations:
I’ve tried all seven positive affirmations over the years, and they work!
The one that has tripped me up the most over the years is the ‘not taking this personally’ one. But when I can remember this, I am free to let it all go. It’s a life-altering lesson.
The affirmation I’ve experienced most directly is about ‘being present — here and now.‘ This is powerful. All important, exciting, meaningful connections occur when I am present. When I use this one — I get results!
All social connections offer an opportunity to understand ourselves more deeply and to ultimately share the highs and lows of life.
Let’s try to make them the best they can be this holiday season!

Ps: Do you want to read more? Check out this story on love languages.
Or are you seeking even more positive affirmations to practice? Check these out.
Are you looking for more ways to care for yourself this season? Read these tips today!
Work with me! I’m a Wayfinder Life Coach who specializes in helping women find love, navigate single parenting, and discover their spiritual path.